News article

Why Pico Planet?



Pico Planet

Back in October 2018, I read the IPCC report om global warming. I quickly realised that the pace and scale of climate change had moved at an alarming rate and that emergency action was needed to prevent the very worst effects of a warming world. Scary? Yes, I didn’t sleep for two days, and worse still was feeling completely powerless in making a difference.

I then spent around six months researching who the real climate scientists were in the world and reading their papers to try and verify what I had read in the IPCC report. Sadly, it only confirmed what I already feared: that far-reaching changes were needed if we were to keep our world below 1.5 degrees of warming, which was both what the report recommended as well as being in line with the global consensus made in Paris in 2016.

Of course, working in a high-carbon industry, alongside having a high personal carbon footprint (I travelled globally by air regularly), I did wonder if I could continue in my current role or I had to move to something new. However, this is the industry I know and understand, so instead, I opted to try to create a movement of change. First within my own workplace and I am hoping that Pico can be an inspiration to our wider industry in the future.

Thus, in the Spring of 2019, Pico Planet was born. Initially, we wanted to look at how it might be possible to decarbonise a business like ours, but also with an eye on the future of helping others. You can read more about our journey here, which shows both what we have done alongside our targets for the future, this work is ongoing and I’m so grateful to have a good group of people within our team and the support of our board in making real change happen.

So why share this here?

Well firstly the science is now clear, so we all know change is coming and by understanding the science it should give us an idea of when change might occur and also the possible speed of change which in turn would allow every business to be prepared for this change.

If you are interested in:

A) learning more about the science around global warming, and

B) forming a discussion group about how we see our industry change from now on,

please drop me a line and let me know.

You can also join the Pico Planet group on Facebook to help shape the future of our industry.

Thank you,

Jon Parker, Pico Planet