0 V potential



The information on this page is illustrative. It is not to be used for training purposes or as guidance or instruction. It is also incomplete. A full version of this content can be found in our PicoScope 7 Automotive software, which is downloadable from here.



The purpose of the test is to prove that a hybrid or electric vehicle High Voltage (HV) system, cable or electrical component is shutdown and unpowered (i.e. no HV potential differences exist) prior to carrying out any work on it. The test is applicable to both Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC) HV systems, circuits and components.

Further information

A 0 V potential test is to be performed after safely shutting down a HV electrical system (according to vehicle manufacturer instructions) and before working on any hybrid or electrical HV system, component or cable. If you leave the vehicle unattended, or move onto another task on the vehicle and then return, or move on to another HV component or cable, carry out a 0 V potential test before starting work.

For general information on the risks of working with hybrid and electric vehicles, please visit the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) motor vehicle repair website.

For further information on relevant qualifications and training, please visit the Institute of the Motor Industry Awards website.


This help topic is subject to changes without notification. The information within is carefully checked and considered to be correct. This information is an example of our investigations and findings and is not a definitive procedure. Pico Technology accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies. Each vehicle may be different and require unique test settings.

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Guided test: 0 V potential