News article

Our distributor mini-meetings are expanding



In Pico Automotive, we recently expanded our already-popular online automotive distributor mini meetings to include our Far-Eastern and Oceania distributors. In an amazing turnout for a first session, we were joined by distributors from India, China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand.

These sessions allow us to update our distributors on everything Pico, as well as running a session around a particular subject, for this weeks meetings, Steve did a great presentation around ‘His Diagnostic Adventures 2023, what has he learned so far’ as well as a live demonstration of our MT03A Milliohm & Motor Tester, live from our workshop.



One of the great things about these sessions is allowing distributors to share their own thoughts and ideas, selling and promoting PicoScope. For 2024, we will continue these meetings for both our European and Far Eastern distributors, to discuss everything from software to off highway diagnostics

These sessions allow all of us to connect without the high carbon costs of air travel in us meeting face to face; I remain humbled by just how well these sessions have been received by our distributors, and how connected our distributors have become.

You can see our list of distributors on our website.