? Building Custom Probes in PS7?

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? Building Custom Probes in PS7?

Post by DougS055 »

Hello all,
I have a question about building custom probes in PS7 if I may ask? How do I go about building a custom probe in PS7 to measure "H2O for the WPS500x pressure transducer if only Volts, Amps, Hz, Ohms, *C,*F, dB or % are the only allowable units of measure? Would it be possible to add more units of measure to this list to make it somewhat easier to build a probe, that is not covered by the list of common units above? Or am I making this task harder than it needs to be? :? :? I am wanting to learn to perform this so if a colleague who is using PS7 wants to build there own probes, I can show them how to get started.
Thank you very much for your assistance,
Steve Smith
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Re: ? Building Custom Probes in PS7?

Post by Steve Smith »

Hi Doug, thank you for the post.

I have opted to add a short video below that will help with the WPS500 conversion to display “H2O

Hopefully the video covers all options but please feedback if I have missed anything

The psdata file from the video can be found at the end of this post and note; it contains the WPS500 custom probes which you can then save to your probe library (See image below)
Image 1A
Image 1A
Example 1.psdata
Example 1
(578.77 KiB) Downloaded 427 times
Take care.....Steve
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Re: ? Building Custom Probes in PS7?

Post by DougS055 »

Hello Steve,
I would like to thank you very much for showing the steps from start to finish on how to build custom pressure (in this case "H2O) probes for the WPS500x pressure transducer. I appreciate all of the steps you took to illustrate this process. Thank you for building the YouTube video that shows the steps in detail as I am a visual type learner.
I am sure this will help others learn how to build custom pressure probes as well as assisting me with this operation. :) 8)
Thank you again and have a great weekend.
Doug S.
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Re: ? Building Custom Probes in PS7?

Post by Rfmotors1 »

Hi All,
As this topic is about building custom probes, I would like to link here another case where I have successfully utilised this PS7 function, .psdata file with loaded custom probes for current measurement in fuse slot is attached as well as some pictures of homemade tool.
https://www.picoauto.com/support/viewto ... 50#p104650

Steve Smith
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Re: ? Building Custom Probes in PS7?

Post by Steve Smith »

Following on with the above topic, but now focussing on our BNC+ pressure transducer here https://www.picoauto.com/products/press ... er-adaptor , the following question was raised via our Help Desk

Can I convert the displayed khPa units to bar when using the BNC+ pressure transducer?

The answer is yes and here is how:

Connect your BNC+ pressure transducer to the scope and click on the Probe tab followed by “Edit”
“Edit” will open the Custom Probe Wizard, name your probe and select the desired units (we have opted for bar)
Use the linear equation y = 0.001x + 0
Add Bandwidth limit and select “Finish”
Your new probe called “New BNC+ Press Bar” will be available for selection when you connect your BNC+ pressure transducer
More information on the BNC+ pressure transducer can be seen here viewtopic.php?p=104832#p104832

I hope this helps, take care......Steve
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Re: ? Building Custom Probes in PS7?

Post by ben.martins »

To follow on from this, there has been a few requests for the PicoBNC+ pressure transducer to be converted to psi.

The same process applies as per Steve's instructions when creating a custom probe on top of a PicoBNC+ probe.

With the PicoBNC+ pressure transducer connected open the Channel options and then click Probes followed by Add.
PicoBNC+ custom probe psi-0006.png
Type the probe name and select psi from the preset units. Then click Next.
PicoBNC+ custom probe psi-0005.png
Next is the scaling factor that needs to applied so that the software can convert the units. In this case you will need to type 0.014504 in the gradient section of the equation. Once one click Next.
PicoBNC+ custom probe psi-0004.png
Select the same options as Steve recommended above where Bandwidth limit is selected at 20kHz. Click Finish.
PicoBNC+ custom probe psi-0008.png
You should now see that a custom probe appears which when selected will now change the units to psi and you will have three ranges to select from on the channel options.
PicoBNC+ custom probe psi-0000.png
I hope this helps.

Kind regards

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