To follow on from this, there has been a few requests for the PicoBNC+ pressure transducer to be converted to psi.
The same process applies as per Steve's instructions when creating a custom probe on top of a PicoBNC+ probe.
With the PicoBNC+ pressure transducer connected open the Channel options and then click
Probes followed by
Type the probe name and select psi from the preset units. Then click Next.
Next is the scaling factor that needs to applied so that the software can convert the units. In this case you will need to type 0.014504 in the gradient section of the equation. Once one click Next.
Select the same options as Steve recommended above where Bandwidth limit is selected at 20kHz. Click Finish.
You should now see that a custom probe appears which when selected will now change the units to psi and you will have three ranges to select from on the channel options.
I hope this helps.
Kind regards