Hello and thank you for the post, great news your scope has arrived
Regarding attenuation you have several options
Depending on the kit you have purchased (assuming you have purchased a kit) for
BNC+ attenuation you would use the 10:1 Scope probe here
https://www.picoauto.com/products/test- ... cope-probe. This probe is included in all kits accept the starter kits
Alternatively you can continue to use a
standard BNC x1 test lead with an additional attenuator
https://www.picoauto.com/products/test- ... attenuator
Finally, you can also use our
BNC high impedance probes
https://www.picoauto.com/products/test- ... 00-mhz-bnc
One final note, with all the above attenuated probes/options,
only the signal path is attenuated, not the ground
I hope this helps, take care.......Steve