What triggers capture in battery test?

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What triggers capture in battery test?

Post by xmrgoodwrench »


In the past I've had no issue doing battery tests in Pico Diagnostics. I have Pico 7, the diagnostics and a model 4423 scope. Today I tried to test the 12 volt start/ battery in a HEV Toyota Highlander. After I configure for my battery and select start, the 'Please Start Engine' dialog box opens. But the dialog box 'Please Start Engine' continues after starting the engine; and it doesn't begin capturing. It isn't detecting the engine start. I'm getting battery voltage and the current measurement at the top of the screen They change as expected. But no trace in the window. What triggers the capture? Because it never shows it is capturing, and again doesn't show a trace or report analysis. It's probably obvious to someone.

Steve Smith
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Re: What triggers capture in battery test?

Post by Steve Smith »

Hello and thank you for the post

Would it be possible to include a pddata file of a failed battery test (Only if available)

Could I ask if the HEV Toyota Highlander is a Hybrid vehicle utilising MG1 as a motor to crank the engine?

If so, the PD Battery test will not trigger as it waits for a drop in battery voltage and an increase in starter current to denote cranking has commenced (our load for the 12 V battery)

The power source for MG1 is via the HV battery and so our 12 V battery will not be subjected to cranking load, hence no trigger/indication to the PD battery test that cranking has commenced

If the above is the case, we need to label our battery test as ICE only or, ICE where our cranking source is the 12 V battery

I will sit tight for any feedback

In the interim, for ICE vehicles, a description of how the PD battery test results are processed/calculated can be found here

I hope this helps, take care……..Steve

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Re: What triggers capture in battery test?

Post by xmrgoodwrench »

Hi Steve,
Thank you. Yes, it's a hybrid. Sure enough, I suspected I would be a bit embarrassed by the explanation. I haven't done much on HEVs. The 12 volt battery is rather small, but still I didn't consider the traction motor cranked the engine. I hear the engine turn over and assume it's equipped with the same hardware I'm familiar with. I appreciate the help!

Also, clearly there are discussion threads I should have found. Sorry about that. I don't know why this didn't surface in my search. Thank you for sharing the link to the battery test thread. It's comprehensive and I need some time to read it.

My plan is to save and post the data file. This will be a good exercise for me.


Steve Smith
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Re: What triggers capture in battery test?

Post by Steve Smith »

Hello Logan, thank you so much for feeding back and clarifying the vehicle because your post is going to help others

Please never feel embarrassed about asking a question; in this case, what you have highlighted is an area we need to address with regards to low voltage battery testing

We need to add “ICE with conventional cranking only” to our PD battery test

We need a solution for battery testing where the 12 V system is not directly responsible for cranking

Rest assured we are on the case

Regarding searching the forum, there are some tips here that may help ease the turmoil of finding what you are looking for topic23512.html

Thank you again for feedback, it is much appreciated

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