Has anyone noticed that in the last couple of weeks Pico7 Linux can now be used to scope analogue O2 sensors?
The reason I say that is previous to sometime in the last 2 or 3 weeks it was totally unusable, I couldn't see an O2 sensor signal when watching live because of the horrendous onscreen noise & got to the point where I wasn't using the 4425A at all.
Over the last couple of weeks I saw that Pico updated drivers & software had been installed so yesterday I thought I'd give it another go. To my pleasant surprise I saw that after applying the 20khz hardware filter a 4 wire analogue B1S1 O2 sensor was almost noise free. I tried 3 other B1S1 sensors on different makes of vehicle with the same result.
I hope I haven't jinxed this improvement lol
Well done Picoscope
I know this is a long shot, would you have the psdata file for the O2 sensor signal that was saturated with noise?
I have seen this, particularly when looking at wideband sensors (B1 S1) response signal during the warm up phase or shorty after start up (hot engine) whereby post heating, the noise diminishes drastically
Again another long shot can you remember what vehicle this was?
Either way, good to have the feedback and thank you for taking the time