GFI Control and Supply not lining up for same Cylinder

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GFI Control and Supply not lining up for same Cylinder

Post by gabehunt »

I was expecting the GFI Control and Supply to peak near the same time, but it is almost like it alternates which one peaks. They are about 50ms apart.

Verified Pin 49/69 on ECM X3 Connector are Brown and Brown/White for Cylinder 1.

For reference, I am looking at this Pico Guided Test where they line up on the x-axis: ... or-voltage

Anyone have any ideas what is happening here?

PicoScope 4425A, Pico 7, Windows 11 Pro, 2 Channels, No trigger.
2019 Chevrolet Traverse 3.6 (LFY), Delco E82, known good vehicle, 50k miles.
Detailed Channel labels in attached image.
Screenshot 2024-07-24 at 9.19.43 AM.png

Steve Smith
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Re: GFI Control and Supply not lining up for same Cylinder

Post by Steve Smith »

Hello and thank you for the post

Could you provide the psdata file for the captured data?

I am going to assume Pin 49/69 are either side of our fuel injector (forgive this assumption if incorrect)

Would it be possible to retake this capture but with a current clamp around injector 1 using channel C

With current we can see “work done” and this will occur where we have a voltage differential
I can see we have what appears to be supply and switched signal to an injector with a unique residual voltage between switched events

Would you know the fueling strategy used for the captured injection events (stratified or homogenous) captured hot/cold idle etc. and if any of these injectors share power supplies (i.e. companion cylinders)

Could I ask if both channel A and B are measured with reference to ground and was the ground connection secure

Which PicoScope model was used for this measurement?

Sorry for all the questions, it will help to answer why we have the results above, if we can add a current measurement that would help tremendously

I hope this helps in the interim

Take care……Steve

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