Time to step up our game

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Time to step up our game

Post by totalminibmw »

Hello all,
Chad Matthews from Charleston SC here. I run a BMW/MINI shop with a total of 9 employees and 4 full time technicians. Since we specialize in only these vehicles, we would like to think we are experts at most things. While I will admit, I have a solid crew with lots of experience and a great reputation, I have seen us struggle with the proving aspect of diagnosis and think we can do much better. I am trying to take us on a journey in my shop starting last Thursday of some solid time in just learning the functions and proper uses of the software and all of the clever ways you can use to really "see" the problem live. I have already noticed a difference in the use of the scope in my shop. If anyone has any suggestions on schooling or a series we can watch and participate in that would be great. We have a large monitor and can have our scope and a vehicle nearby to pause and "do" the same steps and be interactive. Open to any suggestions though as to an already in place training program that would probably make better use of our time. Looking forward to myself and crew interacting so be on the look out for us and say hello....Thanks, Chad
Steve Smith
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Re: Time to step up our game

Post by Steve Smith »

Good morning, Chad and thank you for the introduction

From my perspective, it is awesome to see those running the shop recognize the need and allow time for training (thank you again)

I will make contact with Randy (my Colleague at Pico USA) who has made a series of short PS7 videos that are bite size but will help (to quote a supermarket tag line here in the UK “Every little helps”)

The following links contain oceans of information to digest but of course, only at a pace that is right for you and the team

Starting at the Pico Library you can go off in all directions https://www.picoauto.com/library

Click on Training which takes you here https://www.picoauto.com/library/training where we have Scope school 1 and 2 for PS7

Our Guided tests are worth their weight in gold for “just in time” training when you need to capture sensor or actuator activity https://www.picoauto.com/library/automo ... ided-tests

The Guided Tests are better viewed within the PS7 software which you can download for free here

Please try our Early Access version as you will have access to all the new features as they are released

The following forum post will help understand a number of PS7 features both old and new topic22097.html

Here we have our YouTube channel too https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0j4RP ... PdEL-Q7m9A

A word to the wise: Learning PicoScope software and hardware takes you on a journey; please don’t try to cram as much as possible in a short space of time. (I understand time is money and we have very little of either)

I would pick a single topic, E.g., PicoScope 7 Demo mode (no scope required) and study the operation, features and Guided Tests etc.

Where questions are raised, please post them here or support@picotech.com

Moving on, I would choose a number of Guided Tests to carry out a vehicle without a fault and then try blending Guided Tests. I.e., Use the Crank sensor Guided Test for Hall Effect and then manually configure an additional channel to include cylinder 1 ignition signal

I hope these help in the interim and I will feedback ASAP
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