My car is a Peugeot 107 but I believe these are the same system in the Toyota Aygo, & Citroen C1.
I have an ongoing issue with this, P0900 is Clutch Actuator Circuit.
When the car first came to me it would start but would not select any gears. I tested the Clutch Actuator and was not able to fault it, I could actuate it also wiring was ok, power supplies to the ECU, that activate the actuator were good.
I now was convinced I had an ECU fault, I opened it up and found the transistors at least one was shorted.
I replaced them then went through the nightmare of Clutch Adaptatation / Initialising but got it done.
I purposely kept the car for a a few days, took it on a short drive everyday (4 days) making sure it ran well and changed gears.
Took it for one final test when I knew the customer was collecting it, it drove perfectly.
He drove it about 6 miles (10km) he saild it "messed about" pulling away from a traffic light then gave up alltogether.
I know have The same P0900 DTC, the Mosfet has clearly failed again.
Looking at the web everyone is able to repair the Actuator however no one seems to want to look at the ECU.
Im trying to find Technical Bullletins etc for this, just wondered if any one can help ?
Peugeot Servicebox does not help, im thinking Toyota Tech would be more helpfull however it wont take the VIN number so makes life difficult.