Tried some different Things
Both with , . ; bot no change
Now i tried the following:
freq(A/48)*(3.14*0.625)*60/1000 - Does not Work
freq(A/48)*(3.1*0.625)*60/1000 - Does not Work
freq(A/48)*(3.2*0.625)*60/1000 - Works
freq(A/48)*(3.3*0.625)*60/1000 - Does not Work
freq(A/48)*(3.4*0.625)*60/1000 - Works
freq(A/48)*(3.5*0.625)*60/1000 - Works
freq(A/48)*(3.6*0.625)*60/1000 - Does not Work
As Steve mentioned he is out and about today so I thought I would follow up with some assistance.
He mentioned in an earlier post about the regional language and settings that could be having an effect on the maths channels and I think this is exactly why you aren't seeing Maths working.
We have another user in Denmark that has come across a similar issue on this topic - topic11511-10.html
We have found that using ; instead of the , is working fine. Could we ask you to try this and let us know?
I hope that helps and whilst not ideal we will continue to improve the software and will pass on feedback to the development team and hopefully have a solution in the future.
Hello Martin, thank you for the continued feedback and patience
Thank you Ben for your assistance too.
This is a strange one for sure Martin but we will resolve it.
I think it best at this stage to define "Does not work"
Could I ask:
When you download the ABS TO ROAD SPEED waveform, does it open and display the included math channels?
When use the formula freq(A/48)*(3.14*0.625)*60/1000 that "Does not Work" do you receive as "cross" indicating an error against the math channel formula? (See image below)
Or, is the formula accepted, but no data displayed on screen?
Please could you post your psdata file with both math channels below included?
One working freq(A/48)*(3.2*0.625)*60/1000 - Works One not working freq(A/48)*(3.14*0.625)*60/1000 - Does not Work
Once you have created the above math channels, could you close PicoScope and also send over the trace file?
The trace file will be located here: C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Pico Technology\here will be an alphanumeric file containing a trace xml file with the time and date of your last PicoScope session
I understand you may not wish to post your trace file here Martin as this will contain information about your PC etc. Please could you send the trace file to
Thank you again for your feedback and patience, take care......Steve
Thank you for helping me.
When i download the file ABS to road speed, the file opens fine but it contains no math channels
BUT the mathchannels can be seen in the thunbnail for the pico file saved om my desktop
Its is the same for the file : TEST 8 IGT IGN WATER PUMP
When i try to create the math channel my self, from the formula you provided, i get a red X, and i cannot create the math channel.
After trying all sorts of Things, i discovered that different formulas Works and others dont:
freq(A/48)*(3.14*0.625)*60/1000 - Does not Work
freq(A/48)*(3.1*0.625)*60/1000 - Does not Work
freq(A/48)*(3.2*0.625)*60/1000 - Works
freq(A/48)*(3.3*0.625)*60/1000 - Does not Work
freq(A/48)*(3.4*0.625)*60/1000 - Works
freq(A/48)*(3.5*0.625)*60/1000 - Works
freq(A/48)*(3.6*0.625)*60/1000 - Does not Work
What i mean by "does not Work" is that i get the Red X, and i cannot creat the math channel
I have attached the file with the formula: (A/48)*(3.2*0.625)*60/1000
i cannot create it with the formula: freq(A/48)*(3.14*0.625)*60/1000 because of the red X
I cannot provide the tracefile, i simply cannot find the AppData folder
This is a Company PC, i will try this when i get home om my normal PC.
When i open the file this is what i get:
If i open the menu Math Channels there is none loaded:
This is what i get when i try to type the formula manuel