Maybe I haven't pay attention, can beta and the stable versions coexist on the same laptop? Stable runs, it sees the scope, beta starts but goes in demo. Blue usb cable, the short one.
You can have both software versions installed onto one laptop but the scope will only one be seen by one of the software versions. It is not possible to run one scope with two software versions at the same time, unless you have two scopes connected to your laptop then one scope will use the BETA and the other will use the STABLE.
Sorry I can't be any more help on this but please let us know if you come across anything in the BETA version that you feel could be improved.
Apologies for the misunderstanding. I see what you mean now. I too find the scope isn't seen in whichever software is opened second and to be completely honest I'm, not entirely sure why. I think it may have something to do with windows keeping the USB port live and therefore the 2nd software can't access the scope as it would appear to still be running, or open, on the previous software.
A quick way around it would be to disconnect the scope from the USB port once you've closed a software version down. Wait a couple of seconds, reconnect and then open the other software. Not the most ideal option in the world but it does work. I can't prove it but I do think this has more to do with the OS than the software or the scope.
Hi Ben, thanks, I've started the laptop this morning to check some captures, and indeed, if I run the beta version first, it sees the scope no problem.
I haven't had a necessity to use the deep measure facility, but if I do, I will post here the results.