An image showing the PicoScope 7 Automotive print icon


What it does

Print prints the currently displayed waveform along with any notes you added using Notes.

How it can help you

Your customers may not understand oscilloscope diagnostics but they can be reassured to see evidence of your work and know-how. You can provide this reassurance by using the Print feature to print your waveforms and hand them to your customers whilst explaining how you diagnosed their issue.

You may also find the Print feature useful if you work in a dealership and need to add your waveforms, as evidence, to a warranty report or if you are a trainer and wish to provide handouts and other training materials for your trainees.

How to use it

Click the Print icon to open the dialog where you can select a printer, its options, the paper orientation, line makers and the Print button to continue with printing.

An animation showing how to use Printing in PicoScope 7 Automotive